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First Responder Explosives Training

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We provide relevant and exemplary training to First Responders, equipping them with the information they need to protect themselves and the public against explosive-based threats.  These mass-casualty events often include the mix or the threat of a mix of firearms and explosives to harm as many people as possible.  We will share best practice strategies to respond.  Better yet, we will also share with you tools to help you discover pre-threat indicators that may allow you to prevent a tragedy instead of just responding to it.


Our training is five-star rated with students telling us it is "the best, most educational and most enjoyable training they have ever attended."  Alumni can attend future classes at no additional cost and it is always great to see students come back to update their skills.  Our students are the best, they start as classmates but return as friends.



Live Online Webinar Training Over Zoom






















Jack in the online training studio.

First Responder C-T.E.A.M. Training


C-T.E.A.M. Is:

Counter Terrorism, Explosives Awareness, Active Shooter & Management


This is a live six-hour class provided over Zoom that allows for class interaction and questions.  These Zoom classes will be held on Saturday mornings 9am to 3pm. Check dates below.


We are doing these classes over Zoom to reach as many First Responders possible at a very low cost to you and your agency.  Students will learn the following:


  • Explosive Material Types, Forms and Classifications

  • Review of Commercial, Military and Homemade Explosive Materials

  • An introduction to IEDs and their Components

  • Responses to Threats including Combined Active Shooter and IED Scenarios

  • Situational Awareness Strategies to discover Pre-Threat Indicators before a Tragedy 

  • Strategies for Mobs, Protests, and Riots

  • Case Review from our U.S. IED-Active Shooter Mass Casualty Event Database

  • Learn Critical Leadership, Teamwork and Communication Skills


The online class is only $89 per student and includes:  

  • Explosives, IEDs and Breaching for Law Enforcement textbook (a $27.95 value)

  • Frameable certification for six hours of training

  • American Explosives Group Star Velcro tactical patch and sticker

  • Welcome to attend future online classes at no additional cost


To attend: You must be a First Responder or Military.  This includes: Police, Sheriff, Fire, EMT, SAR, 911 Operator, Public Safety / Emergency Agency, and Private Security.  Or you must be enrolled in college as a Criminal Justice major.


Class Dates:



Online Training through Zoom $98

To Be Announced











Classroom and Live Blasting Training


We can do live training that include classroom, live blasting, breaching, scenario-based live-fire training only limited by our imagination. ​


B-T.E.A.M. Tactical  & Hybrid Training


B-T.E.A.M. is Breaching, Teamwork, Explosives Recognition, Active Shooter & Management


B-TEAM training is two-day, classroom and field tactical, scenario-based live fire and explosive breaching training.  The limit is your training needs.  We can breach doors and walls, use K-9s, vehicles, roadway, roads, off-road, helicopters, maritime, buildings, even mock airport gate terminals.  Our training also includes corporate style leadership, teamwork and innovation training that is used by the most successful companies, teams and agencies in the world.​


We also work with government safety agencies, the military and corporations who may have specific training needs or requirements. We can be flexible and most likely accommodate you at your location or one of ours.  Either way, we provide a safe, secure, and enjoyable learning environment with multiple instructors.  Contact us so we can discuss how we can create a program that will not only meet your training requirements, but will exceed your expectations. 





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